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In the Philippines, female employees in the private and public sectors, workers in the informal economy, national athletes, and voluntary contributors to the Social Security System (SSS) are all entitled to maternity leave benefits under R.A. No. 11210. Maternity leave is available to eligible Philippines-based employees, regardless of nationality or marital status. If you’re expecting a child a few months from now, you might be wondering how to count maternity leave days in the Philippines. This article can give you an answer, so keep on reading!
How to Count Maternity Leave Days in the Philippines?
So you and your hubby went to a hotel or motel, and after nine months, you are expecting? You must know that, as a working mother, you are entitled to maternity leave.
One of the maternity leave benefits in the Philippines is 105 days of leave with full pay (which consists of a basic salary and allowances as may be given under guidelines currently in effect).
As per R.A. No. 11210, maternity leave shall be enjoyed in a continuous and uninterrupted manner. This naturally means that female employees cannot divide their leave into two or three phases.
So, how to count maternity leave days in the Philippines? The answer is simple: count in calendar days. The period of maternity leave is inclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
Start counting from Day 1 of your maternity leave, which should be no earlier than forty-five (45) days ahead of the expected date of childbirth. The 45-day period will be your prenatal leave.
Then, after giving birth, you have 60 days left before your maternity leave ends. The 60-day period will be your postnatal leave.
It’s best to inform your manager about your intention to take maternity leave two months prior to your preferred leave start date.
In case you return to work before the exhaustion of the maternity leave, you will not be paid for actual services rendered as maternity leave is no longer convertible to cash. So you might as well get the most out of your 105-day maternity leave.

Maternity Leave Benefits in the Philippines
The law also grants an additional 15 days of maternity leave with full pay for solo parents as defined in R.A. No. 8972, or the Solo Parents’ Act of 2000. For female workers who intend to avail themselves of this, make sure to do so immediately after the expiration of their 105-day maternity leave.
Moreover, the law gives females the option to extend their leave for 30 more days, but without pay. But they can make use of their earned sick leave credits or vacation leave credits for extended paid maternity leave.
Another option is to allocate up to seven days of maternity leave benefits to the child’s father (either married or not to the mother) or an alternative caregiver. This isn’t applicable in cases where a female worker suffers a miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy.
Meanwhile, when it comes to miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy, which includes stillbirth, the paid maternity leave is only for 60 days.
What the Maternity Leave Guidelines Really Mean?
Are you expecting a baby in the Philippines? Learn how to count maternity leave days in the Philippines with this comprehensive guide. Get all the information you need here!
Having a baby is an exciting experience, but it can also be stressful, especially when it comes to managing maternity leave in the Philippines. Knowing how to count maternity leave days in the Philippines is essential for any expecting Filipino mother. In this article, we will discuss the different ways that you can calculate your maternity leave days so that you can make sure you have enough time off to spend with your little one. We will also explain what rights and benefits you are entitled to during your maternity leave.

Overview of Maternity Leave Days in the Philippines
For working mothers in the Philippines, understanding their maternity leave rights is essential. Knowing how to count maternity leave days in the Philippines is also important so that they can properly plan for and utilize their allotted time off. This article will provide an overview of the different types of maternity leave available in the Philippines and how to count the number of days associated with each type. It is important for working mothers in the Philippines to understand their rights and entitlements so that they can make informed decisions about their maternity leaves.
Maternity leave in the Philippines is an employee benefit that allows mothers to take a certain amount of time off from work after they have given birth. The number of maternity leave days granted to employees depends on several factors, but the most important one is how to count them properly. This article provides an overview of the Philippine laws and regulations regarding maternity leaves, including how to calculate the number of days an employee may be entitled to.
The base number for maternity leave under Philippine law is 60 calendar days for both normal and caesarian deliveries. Employees who are married or unmarried are entitled to the same 60-day period of paid rest. Those employed in private companies can avail of an additional 30 days with full pay if they choose so, bringing their total leave duration up to 90 days.
Guidelines for Maternity Leave Days in the Philippines
Maternity leave is an important part of the working mother’s journey. Being able to take time off from work to care for a newborn can make for a smoother transition into parenthood. For moms in the Philippines, it is important to understand the rules and regulations surrounding maternity leave. This article will provide guidance on how to count maternity leave days in the Philippines. It will offer insight into the laws that govern maternity leave entitlements and clarify how parents can track their days off.
Maternity leave for both working mothers and fathers is a legal requirement in the Philippines. The Philippine law provides 120 days of paid maternity leave for female employees and seven days of paid paternity leave for male employees. In addition, employers are also mandated to provide additional benefits in accordance with their company policies. Knowing how to count your maternity leave days is essential if you want to get the full benefits provided by the law.
Firstly, it is important to note that pregnant employees become eligible for maternity leave once they have completed at least four months of continuous service from their date of hire. Secondly, according to existing labor laws, two weeks before delivery and four weeks after delivery will be counted as part of the total 120-day maternity leave period. Lastly, you can only take up to 60 more days after the initial period has ended without losing any unpaid salary or benefits during those additional days off.

Comparison of Maternity Leave Days in the Philippines vs. Other Countries
In the Philippines, maternity leave days are a source of protection for working mothers. This article will compare maternity leave days in the Philippines with international standards. The number of days given to each mother depends on certain factors and must be counted carefully to ensure that all entitlements are granted.
In the Philippines, a female employee is entitled by law to receive 60 or up to 105 days of paid maternity leave, depending on her situation. For normal births, moms are allowed 60 working days, while those who go through a cesarean section can take as much as 78 working days off. International standards usually provide a longer duration, but some countries operate differently when it comes to how they count these maternity leave days; some nations only count workdays while others count weekends and holidays too.
Maternity Leave: Benefits for Filipino Mothers
Maternity leave is an essential benefit for Filipino mothers in the workplace. It gives them the opportunity to take a break from their job and spend time bonding with their newborn child. Maternity leave can range from 45 days to 120 days, depending on whether it is the mother’s first or subsequent childbirth, as well as if they are employed in the private or public sector. Additionally, there are other factors that can affect how to count maternity leave days in the Philippines, such as what kind of work arrangement you have and your employer’s policies.
The Philippine labor code guarantees employees who have given birth at least 60 days of unpaid maternity leave with full hospital benefits and coverage under the social security system. These leaves may be increased up to 78 days if the mother has undergone a caesarean section delivery.

Maternity Leave: Impact on Employers in the Philippines
Maternity leave is an important benefit for Filipino working mothers. It provides them with a period of rest and recuperation after childbirth. How employers count maternity leave days is critical for both the employee and employer in the Philippines.
Under Philippine labor laws, female employees are entitled to up to ninety-eight (98) days of paid maternity leave for their first two pregnancies, and sixty (60) days of paid maternity leave for any subsequent pregnancies. The employer must pay the full salary during these days unless otherwise stated in the employment contract. Employers can also opt to provide longer or additional leaves as part of their internal policy or practice.
To be eligible, employees must have worked at least six months with the same employer prior to delivery.
Maternity Leave: Other Considerations
When it comes to maternity leave in the Philippines, there are certain considerations employees should make.
Firstly, Filipino female workers are entitled to a paid maternity leave of up to 60 days. This is provided for by the Philippine Health Insurance.
Secondly, employees should be aware that their employer may also grant additional unpaid leave beyond this period if needed.
Thirdly, if an employee wishes to avail of maternity leave more than once a year, only one set of 60 days will be counted as paid leaves. However, the employee may still be able to take additional unpaid leaves under certain circumstances, such as when they have multiple children or suffer from serious illnesses during pregnancy or childbirth. It is important that employers and employees both understand how this works so they can ensure proper planning and compliance with local labor laws and regulations.

Summary: How to Count Maternity Leave Days in the Philippines
In conclusion, counting maternity leave days in the Philippines is a straightforward process. As long as employees know their entitlements and understand the official government regulations, they can easily keep track of all of their days off, allowing them to spend more time with their newborns. Employers should also be aware of the rules and regulations surrounding maternity leave so that they can better support their employees. New parents can also seek advice from other family members or friends who have recently gone through the process to better understand how it works.
It is important for employers and employees to understand how to count maternity leave days in the Philippines and the laws governing them. With proper knowledge, both parties can ensure that their rights are protected and that the necessary procedures are followed. Employers should be aware of their legal obligations, and Filipino female employees should learn how to calculate their maternity leave days correctly. By understanding how to count maternity leave days, employers and employees can benefit from the protection afforded by Philippine employment law.